Thursday, April 10, 2014


Media in Canada presentation of House of Windsor - i.e., Monarch Elizabeth II and her heirs apparent - is prejudicial in favour of the monarchy being retained in Canada following the end-of-reign of Elizabeth II; and, that this said coverage appears to be in contravention of the Rights of the Child and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples declarations at the United Nations; and, further, that such apparent or alleged contraventions of the UN Charter may be subject to UN sanctions.
The United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly may receive allegations of Charter violations from parties whether individual or state nation subject dossier. And, it is, herein, assessed that media in Canada are regulated; that Canada is a UN Charter member; and, a signatory to several declarations and conventions, therein; that media in Canada continuously report the affairs of the Royal Windsor family; that it may be reasonably assessed that such coverage infers a positive veneer of this Monarch Elizabeth and her family in a manner that shall - on the balance of probabilities - succeed in the Parliament and Legislatures endorsing the continuation of this monarchy relationship at the demise of the current Crown Elizabeth II; that, it is alleged that such media coverage, supra, fails to adequately inform the general public of the historical and remaining legacy of the Indian Residential and Day School institutional abuse of Original indigenous Peoples children and how these institutions of assimilation have continued during the reigning term of Elizabeth II as Head of State since her 1953 Coronation, resulting in these said indigenous children bearing the victimization scars into the subsequent families through "Stockholm Syndrome" dysfunctions - as recorded into the Canada Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings - that Elizabeth II has failed to appear in Canada to confront these said victims with either admission, apology, or equitable compensation; that Elizabeth II has in writing rejected providing legal counsel funding to these indigenous Original Peoples children; that Elizabeth II has been advised that such failure shall be subject to petition to the UN to seize all Sax Coburg und Gotha / Windsor assets into Trust until such time as the UN shall conclude a judicial remedy for the allegations as filed before it in 2013 on these matters by representatives on behalf of these victims; that media has regularly been informed of such matters, but has failed to publish these said issues; that, according to the UN Charter indigenous Original Peoples children are entitled to be adequately informed through media publications of such matters; and, that said advisement have continued to fail to occur to the disadvantage of both these indigenous Peoples and the general public for the purposes of assessing the culpability, transparency and accountability of the Crown Elizabeth II and her agency Canada to the detriment of an informed citizenry for democratic regime integrity. It is noted that Canada and the United Kingdom are signatories to the UN Charter as founding members; and, further, that each country has assented statutes regulating matters of hate and crimes against humanity.
That, forthwith, Canadian media shall be subject to enforceable instructions that at such time that a news item as related to the Elizabeth II monarchy, her heirs or successors, that such coverage shall simultaneously provide quality and equal time coverage of indigenous Original Peoples of Turtle Island North / Canada issues as may be reasonably determined by a UN established tribunal - in conjunction with input from the Assembly of First Nations, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Canada and Idle No More emissaries. And, that such balanced media coverages shall be reported regularly to the office of the UN Special Rapporteur.